Recovering from severe damage to Zoo habitats from snowstorm image

Recovering from severe damage to Zoo habitats from snowstorm

Repairs and construction continue into 2025

$45,523 raised

$100,000 goal

/ 150


Working Through the Recovery

Between January 8-12, 2024, Niabi Zoo experienced significant damage to facilities and infrastructure due to five days of heavy snowfall. The winter storm brought more than 25 inches of wet, heavy snow, which placed unprecedented strain on zoo infrastructure and animal habitats.

Working with professionals, the Zoo developed a comprehensive plan for the restoration of the park and its critical infrastructure. The most significant damage included the collapse of the outdoor cat habitats, sagging supports in the eagle enclosure, partial collapse of the Pallas cat exhibit, and roof damage to the rhino barn and animal encounters. The support structure holding up the carousel big top also collapsed.

Major accomplishments include a completely new roof for the rhino barn, the replacement of the roof structure of the animal encounters exhibit, and the gutters were replaced on most buildings. The endangered species carousel canopy still needs to be replaced.

The greatest challenge has been the removal of the destroyed cat habitats and eagle exhibit including above ground structures and below ground infrastructure. Construction crews worked diligently on this task throughout the year. They have been able to pour the concrete piers that form the base of the columns that will stand atop them. They will continue construction through the winter as the weather allows installing the columns and steel mesh netting. If all goes well, the modernized eagle and cat exhibits will be ready for public viewing in early 2025.

The cost of repairs and construction to recover from the storm damage is approximately $2.5 million. Funding from the State of Illinois, Rock Island County, insurance, and donations from Quad Citizens so far covers approximately 2/3 of the expenses. Therefore, we are making a final plea to try to raise the last 1/3 of the costs of the recovery efforts. Please consider making an end of year donation to help Niabi Zoo continue to provide the best possible care for our animals in the most structurally sound habitats that will withstand future weather threats.

Donate now on-line or if you would like to send a check, make the check out to Niabi Zoo Foundation and write a note stating it is a donation for Zoo Recovery and include your contact information (full name, address, phone, email).

Mail the check and note to:
Niabi Zoo Foundation
12908 Niabi Zoo Road
Coal Valley, IL 61240